- Asbestos products, electronit
- Viniplast
Sealants, Mastics, Silotherm
- Two-component silicone fire-retardant compound "SILOTERM EP-120"
- One-component silicone fire-resistant sealant "SILOTERM EP-71"
- Two-component silicone heat-resistant thermally conductive compound (sealant) "SILOTHERM EP-140" HIGH-VISCOSITY/LOW-VISCOSITY
- Silicone fire-resistant cable coating "Silotherm EP-6"
- Silicone heat-resistant thermal conductive paste
- Dielectric hydrophobic organosilicon paste
- Silotherm EP-6K
- Getinax
- Electrical tape
- Custom production of details
- Caprolon (poliamide)
Composite eim
- Composite MK-18
- Film-electric cardboard PEC
- Film-synth cardboard PSK-51
- Film-synth cardboard PSC 515
- Film-synth cardboard PSC 616
- Teonoflex 919
- Teonoflex 191
- Laviterm-1
- Teonoflex 292
- Izoflex 191
- Laviterm-2
- Highly heat-resistant mica plastic Fleximide 2942
- Electrical insulating material Teonoflex 939
- Teonoflex 393
- Teonoflex 929
Varnishes, enamels
- Compound KP-303N
- Electrical insulating enamel GF-92 GS
- Electrical insulating enamel GF-92M-GS
- Electrical insulating mastic MKP-303
- Electrical insulating enamel KO-983M-HS
- Enamel EKP-9303 GS
- Electrical insulating varnish ML-92
- Heat-resistant electrical insulating enamel POLYTERM 943
- Enamel electrical insulation heat-resistant Politerm 941
- Active diluent AR-303
- Enamel EP-9111
- Electrical insulating mastic MET-155/180
- Semi-conductive enamel PPE-155/180-HS
- Electrical insulating enamel GF-92M-HS
- Electrical insulating varnish GF-95
- Electrical insulating varnish KO-916
- Silicone-organic electrical insulating enamel KO-976M-GS
- Gelcoat THERMOVIND G211
- THERMOVIND I141 compound
- Compound THERMOVIND I211
- Compound THERMOVIND I231
- Varnished clothes, glass varnished clothes
Electrical insulating tapes
- Herringbone tape
- LETSAR tape
- Taffeta tape
- Batiste tape
- Resin tape
- Semi-conductive tape PPL-1
- Glass bandage tape LSBE
- Polyimide tape PMA(PM)
- Tape LES-N-TT (F/H)
- Electrical insulating tape LES-F-B
- Electrical insulating tape LES-F-T
- Electrical insulating tape LES-F-T(l)
- Electrical insulating glass tape BSB
- Polyethylene naphthalate composite tape LPNK-T
- Polyethylene naphthalate composite tape brand LPNK-TT(l)
- Polyimide composite tape LPMK-T
- Polyimide composite tape LPMK-TT
- Pvc plastic rolls
- Polyethylene terephthalate film
- Polyuretane
- Prepreg
- Mica smog
Mica | Mica plastic
- Mica plastic collector KIFE
- Collector mica plastic KIFE-N
- Arc-resistant mica plastic
- Mica plastic gasket PSE
- Mica plastic molding FIFP-TPl
- Plencomicaceous mica GSP-F-2Pl
- Plencomicaceous mica GSP-F-Pl
- Film micas GSP-N-2Pl
- Plencomicaceous mica GSP-N-Pl
- Heat-resistant mica plastic 900
- Flexible mica sheet grade G1SK
- Flexible sheet mica G2SK
- Flexible sheet mica G2SKN
- Highly heat-resistant flexible mica grade GSKV
- Plencomicaceous mica GSP-S-Pm
- Plencomicaceous mica GSP-S-TPm
- Plencomicaceous mica GSP-F-TPl
- Plencomicaceous mica GSP-N-TPl
- Glass-mica-plastic moisture-resistant GIK-T-SPl(v)
- Flexible mica sheet grade G1SKN
- Collector mica plastic brand KIFE-A
- Mica plastic molding FIFP-Pl
- Mica plastic molding FIFP-T
Mica tapes
- Mica tape LSP-F-TPl (mica tape)
- Mica tape LSp-F/N-TT
- Mica tape LSK-SS
- mica tape LSK-110-TT
- Mica tape LSU
- Mica tape LSp-N-TPl
- Mica tape LSKV
- Mikaterm 452 tape
- Mica tape LS-S-TPl
- Impregnated mica tape of the Flogotherm-934 brand instead of (mica tape LSEP-934TPL)
- Heat-resistant mica tape grade LSK-T
- Heat-resistant mica tape grade LSK-TT
- Mica tape LSKN 135 TPl
- Mica tape LSKN 160 TT
- Mica tape LSPM
- Mica tape impregnated with LSM
- Related materials
- Glass threads, glass tapes
- Fiberglass
- Fiberglass mesh
- Steklotextolit
- Glass fabric
- Textolith
- Electrical insulating tubes
- Fiber
- Fluoroplast
- Cords
- Electrical cardboard
- Silicone products
- Consolidating materials
- Foam plastics
- Collector gaskets, plates, cuffs, winding wires
Официальный дилер производителя ООО "Диэлектрик"
(г.Хотьково Московская область)
Our company strives to use the accumulated experience of the worlds leading manufacturers of insulating materials to achieve the best results.
We are primarily concerned with the quality of our products, and we do everything possible to improve it.
The main task of the enterprise management is to create an enterprise that meets international standards and is capable of competing not only in the Russian market, but also in Western markets.
We are open to everything new: new technologies, new cooperation.
Our company is ready to manufacture the products you need according to your individual order.